15% of ? = 87: Percentage of 15 (Percent) Calculated of What Unknown Number Equals the Given Value, 87? How To Find the Missing Number? Online Calculator. Steps, Explained

15% of what missing number = 87?

Number calculation, finding the missing unknown number
(Percentage of) 15% of what number = 87?

15% = 15/100 = 15 ÷ 100 = 0.15

Let N be the number that we have to calculate:

15% of N = 87 ⇔

15% × N = 87 ⇒

N =

87 ÷ 15% =

87 ÷ (15 ÷ 100) =

87 × (100 ÷ 15) =

(100 × 87) ÷ 15 =

8,700 ÷ 15 =


(Percentage of) 15% of what number = 87?
15% of 580 = 87

The symbols used: % percent, ÷ division, × multiplication, = the equal sign, / the fraction bar, ≈ approximately the same. Writing numbers: comma ',' - as a thousands separator, point '.' as a decimal mark.

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Three examples of problems that can be solved out using the information in this section:

  • Problem 1:

  • 25% of the annual profit of a company was invested in buying some new equipment. The total amount invested in buying the new equipment was 100,000 dollars. What was the annual profit of the company?
  • Rewrite: 25% of the Profit means 100,000 dollars => 25% × Profit = 100,000 dollars => Profit = 100,000 ÷ 25% dollars = 100,000 ÷ 25/100 dollars = 100,000 × 100/25 dollars = 100,000 × 4 dollars = 400,000 dollars;
  • Problem 2:

  • A number of 20% of the students in the terminal year have enrolled into the swimming class. In total, 7 students have enrolled. How many students are in the terminal year?
  • Rewrite: 20% of the students means 7 students => 20% × Total number of students = 7 => The total number of students = 7 ÷ 20% = 7 ÷ 20/100 = 7 × 100/20 = 7 × 5 = 35;
  • Problem 3:

  • In the last elections 49% of community memebrs voted for the A Party, 32% for the B Party, and the rest for the C Party. 17,920 people voted for the B Party. How many members are in the community, all in all?
  • Rewrite: 32% of the total community members means 17,920 people => 32% × The total number of community members = 17,920 => The total number of community members = 17,920 ÷ 32% people = 17,920 ÷ 32/100 people = 17,920 × 100/32 people = 17,920/32 × 100 = 560 × 100 people = 56,000 people.