About percentages.calculators.ro website

What is percentages.calculators.ro?

  • percentages.calculators.ro is a website that offers you a couple of online tools that can perform percentage calculations, with detailed explanations, step-by-step, on various topics, as listed below:
  • - calculate percentages of numbers: p% of A = ?
  • - calculated percentage of what number equals the given value: p% of ? = A
  • - given two numbers, calculate the missing percent value: ?% of A = B
  • - convert and write integer and decimal numbers, fractions, ratios and proportions as a Percent: a/b = ?%
  • - calculate the Relative Percentage Change in an indicator over time from an initial value (x) to an end value (y) & the Absolute Change (the actual difference between the two values): (y - x)/|x| × 100%
  • - calculate the Relative Percentage Decrease in an indicator over time from an initial value (x) to an end value (y) & the Absolute Change (the actual difference between the two values): (x - y)/|x| × 100%
  • - convert the percent to number: p% = ?
  • - increase numbers by percentages of initial values (percentage increase) and calculate the absolute change (the actual difference): B = (1 + p%) × A
  • - decrease numbers by percentages of initial values (percentage decrease) and calculate the absolute change (the actual difference): B = (1 - p%) × A

What is the main purpose of percentages.calculators.ro

  • percentages.calculators.ro aims to help users solving the simple percentage calculations described above.
  • This tool can be used simply to perform those operations or as an online learning and checking resource.

What can you do?

  • If you find this website useful, spread the word, tell your friends, colleagues, or those that need a percentage calculation tool.
  • At the same time, any feedback to improve our service is more than welcome and in the end helps all the visitors.


  • We thank all our visitors who recommend friends and colleagues percentages.calculators.ro website or send us valuable suggestions.
  • Thanks to you, our site will continue to grow and develop. :-)

percentages.calculators.ro team